Register and pay before 15th June to take advantage of the early bird discount and secure accommodations at the main conference venue.
Conference Rates
Early Bird Rates
On or Before 15 June 2024
SACCA Congress Only: $600
SACCA Congress + Preworkshop: $1,050
SACCA Congress Only: $1,000
includes 4 nights at Lake Naivasha Resort​
SACCA Congress + Preworkshop: $1,650
includes 6 nights at Lake Naivasha Resort​​
Standard Rates
16 June 2024 or After
SACCA Congress Only: $700
SACCA Congress + Preworkshop: $1,150
SACCA Congress Only: $1,100
includes 4 nights at Lake Naivasha Resort​
SACCA Congress + Preworkshop: $1,750
includes 6 nights at Lake Naivasha Resort​
Additional Activities
Foundation Dinner: $70
Thursday, 10th October
Development Educators (DE) Reception : $50
Wednesday, 9th October
Cancellation Policy
A refund, less a 30% administrative charge, will be given if cancellation is received in writing by 20th September 2024. Refunds after this date are not possible. For further info, please contact our Finance team at finance@accosca.org
If you cannot attend, a substitute participant can participate in your place provided you inform us in writing on or before 20th September 2024.
Pre-workshop substitutions are permissible by 20th September 2024. Only those duly registered for the pre-workshop will be allowed in the session.
For pricing or payment questions, please contact the ACCOSCA Finance team